IMF’s Institute for Capacity Development (2-Mar-2018)

March/April 2018 Online IMF Courses.

Participation in all online courses is free of charge, and there are no limits on the number of participants per country or agency. Please use this link to register for any course. For individual course listings in the e-catalog.

April 4 – May 23, 2018 (7 weeks)
Total expected workload: 6 – 8 hours a week
Application deadline: March 28, 2018

Click here to directly apply to this course.

Course Description:
This course, presented by the IMF Institute for Capacity Development and Fiscal Affairs Department, discusses macroeconomic policy issues and challenges that confront resource-rich countries.

Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
– Assess how economic performance might differ in RRCs and in other countries in terms, e.g, of growth, inclusive growth, political economy, resource curse, diversification, and Dutch disease.
– Apply simple fiscal rules to determine how much to extract, consume, and save from the sale of natural resource sand modalities for savings, such as a sovereign wealth fund.
– Design a framework with clear objectives and priorities that delivers long-run fiscal sustainability and addresses commodity price volatility, with a supporting role for the public sector on the fiscal regime and government spending.
– Identify appropriate macroeconomic policy responses to commodity price shocks.
– Assess the pros and cons of policies to promote diversity and transparency in the management of natural resources.

Click here for more information about this course.

Energy Subsidy Resources (OL18.103, ESRx) in English
March 28 – April 25, 2018 (4 weeks)
Expected workload: Approx. 32 hours self-paced over 4 weeks
Application deadline: March 21, 2018
Click here to directly apply to this course.

Course Description:

This four-week online course is presented by the IMF’s Institute for Capacity Development, Fiscal Affairs Department, and Middle East and Central Asia Department. It builds on an extensive cross-country analysis, which is reported analysis, reported notably in the IMF book on “Energy Subsidy Reform: Lessons and Implications,” to make recommendations on how to best implement reforms aimed at reducing state subsidies on energy.

The course will introduce the concept of energy subsidies – their definition and measurement – and will review the economic social and environmental implications of subsidies. It will also present tools for assessing the distributional effects of alternative subsidy reform scenarios on the population. Finally, the course will review what works best in energy subsidy reform and will illustrate successes and failures in particular country contexts by summarizing some case studies.

Click here for more information about this course.

Financial Programming and Policies, Part 2: Program Design (OL18.04, FPP.2x) in English
March 7 – April 25, 2018 (7 weeks)
Expected workload: 6-9 hours/week
Application deadline: February 28, 2018

Click here to directly apply to this course.

This seven-week course builds on the FPP.1x course and aims to extend participants’ understanding of the design and implementation of macroeconomic and financial policies. Specifically, the course presents simple forecasting methods for each sector of the macroeconomy; diagnosis of macroeconomic performance under baseline assumptions; and preparation of a macroeconomic adjustment program for a case study country.

Click here for more information about this course.

Please keep checking our e-catalog often, as new offerings are added regularly.

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