The Organogram of the Division
Policy and Planning Division, Ministry of Finance
1. Policy and Planning Division: Background
The Policy and Planning Division is the policy arm of the Ministry. The PPD is the focal for coordinating and spearheading policy and plan formulation and setting the targets ofofthe Ministry. This is to ensure the responsibilities of the Departments/Divisions are in line with the Vision of the Ministry and that of the National Objectives.
The PPD has 4 Units to deliver its responsibilities:
- Policy Coordination and Planning Section,
- Monitoring and Evaluation Section,
- Media and Information Section, and
- Dzongkha Coordination Section.
1.2 Policy Coordination and Planning Section
This Section is responsible for developing Plans, Programmes and Projects of the Ministry. The Section undertakes research and policy analysis to ensure coherence and consistency in the policies, socio-economic development objectives, and programs. The Section also coordinates Projects, if any to be implemented by various Departments under the Ministry.
This Section is also responsible for coordinating MoF’s interaction with the Cabinet and through the Cabinet with the Parliament. It also facilitates and liaison between the external stakeholders and within the Departments/Divisions of the Ministry.
All Policy issues and decisions are carried out through the Policy & Planning Coordination Meeting (PPCM) chaired by Hon’ble Minister and this Section is responsible for the coordination and implementation of the decisions of the PPCM.
One of the most important responsibilities of the Section is to spearhead the preparation of Annual Budget which the Hon’ble Minister presents to the Parliament. The Section will also spearhead major reforms and initiatives of the Government.
1.3 Monitoring and Evaluation Section
This Section is responsible for reviewing the policies and legislations that require comments and views of the Ministry of Finance. The Section is responsible for representing Ministry of Finance in the relevant national and international organizations.
The section is also responsible for mid-year reviews of the Ministry’s annual plans and the Mid-Term Review of the Five Year Plans and the Round Table Meetings. The Section also conducts ad-hoc monitoring and evaluation exercises on relevant macro-fiscal and public finance issues in consultation with the relevant departments.
The Section is particularly responsible for the Regulatory Impact Assessment of the policies developed by the Departments/Divisions of the Ministry of Finance.
1.4 Media and Information Section
As the Media Focal of the Ministry and working under the direct supervision of the Hon’ble Minister and Secretary, this Section shall be responsible for the media and knowledge management both mainstream media and social media.
1.5 Dzongkha Coordination Section
As one of PPD’s main responsibilities is to spearhead the preparation of Annual Budget which the Hon’ble Minister presents to the Summer Session of the Parliament, the Report, Speech and Bills for submission to the Parliament have to be translated in Dzongkha. The Ministry also frequently has to translate agreements, conventions, and legislation that are submitted to the Parliamentary for ratification. This Section therefore will be responsible for translation of Report, Conventions, Legislations and any other translation assignments on behalf of the Ministry.
1.6 Advisory Support Services to the Office of Minister and Secretary
The Policy and Planning Division will also provide advisory support services to and carry out any assignments given by the Office of the Minister and Secretary.
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