Third International Conference on Financing for Development


On the Third International Conference on Financing for Development held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 13th to 16th July, 2015

The Third International Conference on Financing for Development began on the 13th of July 2015 at the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) Conference Centre in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The Conference was opened by the UN Secretary-General H. E Mr. Ban Ki-moon, and the Conference elected the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, H.E. Mr. Hailemariam Desalegn, as the President of the Conference. At the opening, the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for an ambitious and universally inclusive financing framework to implement the Sustainable Development Goal and highlighted the need for a social compact for greater social protection and a package for Least Developed Countries (LDCs).

3ICFDHon’ble Finance Minister, Lyonpo Namgay Dorji led Bhutan’s delegation to the Conference which comprised of officials from the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Gross National Happiness Commission Secretariat. In his statement during the general debate, Lyonpo emphasized the need to redouble efforts by countries around the world as well as international institutions, particularly assistance for the LDCs, in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals towards a new era. Lyonpo also highlighted the unique development challenges faced by countries like Bhutan and appealed to the world to work together to eradicate poverty by the next decade.

Hon’ble Lyonpo Namgay Dorji also participated in the Round Table Meeting on the theme “Ensuring policy coherence and an enabling environment at all levels for sustainable development”.

The Conference is expected to end on the 16th of July with the adoption of an outcome document which will be known as the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. The document is expected to support the implementation of the post-2015 development agenda, including the Sustainable Development Goals.

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