Financial Management Training (3-Oct-2017)

  • The opening ceremony of the “Financial Management Training: Improving Public Service Delivery through Enhanced Fiscal Decentralization” was graced by the Hon’ble Finance Minister on 3rd October, 2017 at the Royal Institute of Management (RIM).
  • The four day training program is exclusively for the Accounts Assistants from all the budgetary agencies of the country.
  • The objective of this training program is to bring together all key players in the Public Financial Management (PFM) and update knowledge on some of the new initiatives and development in the PFM system like, revised Financial Rules and Regulations 2016, PEMS, MYRB, RAMIS, e-Government Procurement System and e-Payment.
  • This platform will provide an opportunity to discuss and deliberate on the issues and challenges faced by the finance personnel while carrying out responsibilities and functions on daily basis in the field.
  • The Royal Civil Service Commission, Royal Audit Authority and the Office of Anti-Corruption Commission will also make a presentation to the participants during the course of training.
  • Around 570 accounts assistant will participate the four day training program from 3-6th October 2017.
    The training program will conclude on 6th October 2017.

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