Call for Bids of Government Bond (17-Nov-2023)

A 2-Year bond of Nu. 5,000 million in the name of the Royal Government of Bhutan is offered
for auction through Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan. The bid for the bond can be submitted
from 17 November – 24 November 2023 (12 noon). The bid must be submitted using a RSEBL
web-based application link

Bond SeriesAllotment DateSettlement DateYears to MaturityMaturity DateCoupon Payment
RGOB01127-11-202328-11-2023228-11-2025Half yearly

Any Bhutanese persons including Bhutanese citizens, Firms, Companies, Corporate Bodies,
Financial Institutions and Trust Funds can subscribe to the Bond.

Please read the Offer Document for more information on the bond. The Offer Document can be
downloaded from the following link: (Offer Document).
Please visit the following link for further details:

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