A. Administration & Finance Division (AFD)
- Planning and Development of Human Resources for the Ministry and Divisions
- Financial Management and Related Accounting Matters for the Entire Ministry
- Procurement/Tendering of the Office Equipment’s and Supplies for the Ministry
- Formulation and Interpretations of Rules
The functions and responsibilities of AFD:
Administration & Finance consists of Personnel Administration section, Finance Section, General Administration section, Procurement section, Vehicle allotment section and computer section.
B. Human Resource Division (HRD)
Enable the fulfillment of the vision and mission of the Ministry through valued HR services.
Provide effective human resource management and capacity development that contribute to the attainment of the Ministry’s and employees’ goals.
Functions and Roles
The Chief Human Resource Officer heads the Human Resource Division (HRD) and it functions directly under the Directorate of Services. The core mandate of HRD is to develop long and short term Human Resource development and management plan and employment plan of the Ministry of Finance. The Ministry parents the Procurement Officers, Finance Officers, Accounts Assistants and Internal Auditors serving in the agencies thus, the role of the HRD cuts across other line Ministries and Agencies.
Under Ministry of Finance, there are 6 Departments including the Directorate of Services and each department is being designated with focal HRO (s) to manage and cater the services effectively and efficiently. The HRD formulates any human resource plans and policies in close collaboration with respective Departments and Divisions of the Ministry. Once the plans and programs are in place, HR Division plays the key role in executing it in coordination with the Departments and Divisions.
Following are some of the key functions of HRD:
- Service delivery
The following are the services broadly being delivered by HRD in line with Bhutan Civil Service Rules and Regulations 2018 (BCSR 2018):
- Recruitment, Selection and Appointment
- Trainings and capacity development
- Transfer
- Promotion
- Salary fixation and increment
- Recruitment, Selection and Appointment:
The HR Division collects the manpower requisition from respective Departments and other line Ministries and Agencies. The requirement is reviewed by HR Division based on the Approved Staffing Strength approved by Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC) in the beginning of the Five Year Plan development. The selection is merit based and the vacancy of the post and its requirements are announced in the media and on Ministry’s website on transparent manner.
- Trainings and Capacity Development:
There are two types of trainings that are being carried out by HRD i.e, Long Term Training(both planned and adhoc program) and Short Term Training (STT). The planned trainings are usually the long-term trainings/study that is incorporated in the HRD Master Plan approved by RCSC. Also the adhoc trainings are carried out but are subject to the approval of the RCSC. The duration of the Adhoc training or STT ranges from few days to couple of months but not exceeding six months that include workshops, seminars and meetings exceeding five days. All trainings/studies are on merit based and equal opportunities are given to all through open competitive selection procedures. The slots are announced through media and on the website of the Ministry.
- Transfer
The general transfer exercise is conducted once in a year from the month of October to November as per the transfer guidelines of the Ministry. Generally, the civil servants parented by the Ministry serving in various agencies are being transferred upon the completion of five years serving in the same agency. The transfer exercise is centrally initiated by the HRD in collaboration with the respective parent departments.
The transfers as facilitated based on the availability of posts and the reliever in their opted places. The criteria for transfer review are mainly on marital, medical and domestic ground. The individuals are given the choice of three places for posting which is then submitted to the HRD routed through the HRC of respective departments and working Agencies. The HRD then reviews and finalizes the transfer proposals in coordination with the respective parent departments which is put up to the HR Committee meeting of the Ministry for approval.
- Promotion
The schedule for promotion is twice in a year i.e in January and July. The process starts from October for January promotion and from March for July promotion. The promotion is based on individual performance and every individual is eligible for promotion within the period of 4 to 5 years. The performance is assessed through Individual Work performance (IWP) or the activities that is drawn in the beginning of the financial year between the Supervisor and the individual. The IWP is usually linked with the Ministry’s goal through Division’s/Department’s outputs. The IWP scores of individuals are further moderated by the Moderation Committee in Department wise based on the APA score of the departments and the final score is awarded to the individuals. The final ratings taken from the moderation exercise are taken into consideration for the purpose of promotion.
- Pay fixation and increment
The salaries for the new recruits for the departments atthe headquarter are fixed by the HRD. On the other hand, the annual increments for the employees at the HQ are granted either in January or July depending on their appointment dates by the HRD.
- Human Resource Committee
As mandated by the BCSR 2018, every Ministry and Agency has to institute a HR Committee (HRC). The very purpose of instituting the HRC is to guide all the HR actions of the Ministry whilst promoting broader participation and ensuring fair and transparent HR decision making based on merit.
All the HR issues are put up to the HRC and the meeting is convened every forth nightly chaired by the Hon’ble Secretary of the Ministry who is the head of the Agency. The members of the committee are Directors/Director Generals of all the Departments, Chief Planning Officer from Policy and Planning Division (PPD) and the Chief Legal Officer from Legal Division. The Chief HR Officer of HRD and HROs are the member secretary to the HR Committee.
3. Staff Record and Information System
The HR information of the staff both at the Headquarter and working in the agencies are maintained through Zhiyog Electronic System (ZESt)developed by RCSC.
On the other hand, the Ministry maintains our own HR Information System (HRISOF) developed by our ICT personnel for the management of Para-regular employees under the Department of National Properties and Directorate of Services.
- Staff Welfare Scheme
The welfare of the staff of the Ministry is taken care by the Civil Servants’ Welfare Scheme (CSWS) of the RCSC and this scheme applies to all the civil servant across the Ministries and Agencies. All civil servants become the member of CSWS on voluntary basis and this scheme provides the financial contribution (Semso) during the event of demise of the member or the member’s dependent.
On the other hand, there are other schemes like Civil Service Support Desk and Exit Management after superannuation which is covered under Civil Service Well-being Program initiated by RCSC. For more information, the details can be viewed form RCSC’s website at www.rcsc.gov.bt.
- Civil Service Award
The HRD coordinates the Civil Service Award annually which was instituted by RCSC to recognise and reward civil servants for their dedicated service to the Tsa-Wa-Sum in December.
The award is given to staff with clean service records who have served the Tsa-Wa-Sum with full dedication and loyalty primarily based on the duration served in the Civil Service as follows:
- 10 years- Certificate with a Medal (Bronze)
- 20 years – Certificate with a Medal (Silver)
- 30 years- Certificate with a Medal (Gold)
- Lifetime Award- Certificate with a Medal (Gold) upon completion of the retirement age prescribed in the BCSR, 2018.
C. Information Communication & Technology Division (ICTD)
A brief mandate, roles and duties of the ICT Division are as follow:
ICT Division Duties & Responsibilities
- ICT Governance, Management and coordination (Management of all IT personnel, resources and operations of the organizations;)
- ICT Planning and Budgeting for common ICT services.
- Formulation and implementation of Information Technology and Knowledge management strategy to guide the organization’s future directions;
- Planning and coordinating of cost-effective and better-quality procurement of information technology;
- Ensures that the organization’s databases and application standards conform to the technical standards followed in the country; eGif Standard compliance.
- Manage staff training in information technology and knowledge management.
ICT Division Supports
- Support of change management practices and re-engineering initiatives related to ICT.
- Manage and support network and web services;
- Management of organization’s telecommunications network;
- Advice on and support organization’s infrastructure and applications systems.
- Support in Tender services related to ICT equipment’s/works.
D. Legal Division
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