DRC Staff

Director General

Mr. Sonam Jamtsho

Email: sjamtsho@drc.gov.bt

Phone No: 323057

Division Heads

Kaysang W. Samdup
Designation: Media and Communication Specialist
Phone No.: 333771

Nidup Gyelstshen
Designation: Collector, Revenue Audit & Accounts Division
Email: ngyeltshen@drc.gov.bt
Phone No.: 333772

Sherab Chogyel
Designation: Collector, Sales Tax Division
email: schogyel@drc.gov.bt
Phone No.: 334303

Yeshey Seldon
Designation: Collector, Customs & Excise Division
email: yseldon@drc.gov.bt
Phone No.: 324357

Kinley Wangmo
Designation: Analyst, Revenue Intellegent Division
email: kinleywangmo@drc.gov.bt
Phone No.: 335337

Tashi Wangmo Designation : Joint Collector, Income Tax Division email:twangmo@drc.gov.bt Phone No: 322319 Ext: [126]

Staff Contacts

Focal Appointees

For any kind of information request from the Department of Revenue and Customs, Please contact our focal at:

Name: Kinley Wangmo

email: kinleywangmo@drc.gov.bt

Phone No: 335337

Any individual requesting for information from the Ministry of Finance should submit the “Statement of Non-Disclosure of Information”. The form can be obtained here:

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