Vision: Fair and Transparent public procurement and property management towards strengthening Public Financial Management
Mission: Strengthen strategic national procurement and property management towards effective and efficient public expenditure management.
1. Administration and Support Section (ASS)
The ASS consist of 4 sections which are, the Administration Section, Finance Section, Procurement Section which support the overall functioning of the department and the Govt. Chadrig Section catering to the service for all National functions and meetings, etc.
- Procurement Management and Development Division (PMDD);
The PMDD shall have the following duties and authorities:
- monitor the implementation of the rule through the collection and analysis of reports provided by the procuring agencies based on reporting formats developed by the PMDD;
- provide annual reports to the Secretary, Ministry of Finance on the functioning of the national procurement system;
- based on such reports, propose improvements to the rule and supporting regulations, guidelines, and documentation;
- develop and promulgate implementing regulations, methodologies, guidelines, and documentation such as standard bidding and contract documents for the benefit of procuring agencies;
- act as a focal point for enquiries and information regarding public procurement in Bhutan;
- provide advice and guidance on the interpretation and application of the rule, and supporting regulations, guidelines, and documentation to procuring agencies upon request;
- carry out and/or commission studies and research on procurement, comparisons, and future projections with a view to improving the procurement system;
- coordinate, in consultation with the relevant training organizations in the Kingdom, the development of a national capacity building strategy and encourage the professionalization of the procurement function;
- liaise with the relevant governmental organizations in the Kingdom to implement measures aimed at developing human resources and professionalism in procurement within the central and local government;
- liaise and cooperate with the relevant governmental organizations in the Kingdom whose activities are connected with the implementation and/or enforcement of the procurement system;
- coordinate and facilitate, in consultation with the relevant governmental and private organizations in the Kingdom, the policy for the use of information technology in procurement, including the establishment of a PMDD website for the dissemination of procurement-related information and the creation and use of databases for the collection and analysis of procurement reports as defined in (a) above;
- coordinate and facilitate, in consultation with the relevant governmental and private organizations in the Kingdom, the development of advanced electronic procurement mechanisms with a view to improving the efficiency of the procurement system;
- develop and administer the review mechanism set out in 8.1 of this chapter;
- act as the central counterpart for any procurement-related issues in connection with donors or foreign investors;
- keep abreast of and disseminate as appropriate information regarding international developments in procurement and best practice which may impact on and assist in the improvement of the national procurement system;
- provide and conduct, in collaboration with relevant governmental and private organizations in the Kingdom and outside the Kingdom, workshops, conferences, and seminars aimed at improving awareness and understanding of the government’s procurement policy and practices;
- develop and promulgate the code of conduct that shall apply to each official of a procuring entity involved in public procurement. The code of conduct shall address: i. Conflict of interest in procurement; ii. Measures to regulate matters concerning personnel responsible for procurement; iii. Screening procedures and training requirements. iv. Any other matter related to the ethics of public procurement
- Central Procurement and Property Management Division;
The CPPMD is a function within the overall Procurement system development approved by Royal Civil Service Commission with following mandates:
- Develop and Promulgate implementing regulations, methodologies and guidelines for central procurement.
- Review and formulation of Policy, guidelines and manage Central Procurement;
- Review and formulation of government Property Management policies and Standards and management of government properties;and
- Manage and Conduct Public Auction for disposal of government properties after useful life
CPPMD three sections with mandates outlined below:
1.Central Procurement Section(CPS).The CPS has following main mandates:
- Develop and Promulgate implementing regulations,methodologies and guidelines for central procurement;
- Formulate, review and propose central procurement policies and regulations and guidelines
- Monitoring and evaluation of centralized procurement
- Manage Centralized Goods & Services
- Government Inventory Management System(GIMS) with mandates to:
- Formulate,review and propose property management policies and guidelines;
- provide to procuring agencies, advice and guidance on the interpretation and application of the Property Management Manual(PMM);
- Manage and Monitor the implementation of Government Inventory Management System(GIMS);
- Provide Training to the user Agencies on GIMS;
- Rental Assessment of private houses for government office space hiring.
3.Auction Section(AS) mandated to:
- Manage and Conduct Public Auction for disposal of government properties after useful life;
- Safe Custody of Surrendered Government Properties until disposal;
- Report collection for the auction conducted by embassy and agencies;
- provide advice and guidance on the assessment of scrap value for Government properties
- Fine Arts and Crafts Division (FACD)
The FACD was an integral part of the Ministry of Finance since the ministries’ inception. It was clubbed with the DNP sometime in 1999. It consists of various artisans involved in the production of traditional artifacts and meets the government’s requirement for traditional goods. With modernization creeping into every aspect of our Bhutanese way of life, it is paramount that this division receives attention so as not to let it dwindle and fizzle out.
This division consists of the following sections each catering to their own specific tasks.
- Painting and Sculpting Section
- Gold Smith Section
- Bronze Casting Section
- Embroidering Section
- Engineering Service Division (ESD)
The Engineering Service Division Consists of two major sections: Ministerial Enclave Section (MES) and Gyelyong Tshogkhang Section (GTS). The rest of the workforce is divided into people working for the maintenance of government buildings/offices, palaces and royal gardens. Ministerial Enclave Section looks after the routine maintenance and new construction works at Ministerial Enclave area while Gyelyong Tshogkhag is mandated to look after the routine maintenance and new construction at Gyelyong Tshogkhang area which consists of significant State buildings such as National Assembly of Bhutan, National Council of Bhutan, Cabinet Secretariat, Prime minister’s office etc, provides technical services during NA and NC sessions for sound, light and voting systems and preparatory works etc. Additionally, the section also caters routine services to the Privy Council which is located at Kuengachiling, Motithang, Thimphu.
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