Department of Planning,Budget and Performance


  • Effective and Efficient Allocation and Management of Public Resources


  • Enhance Budgetary System through formulation of effective and sound budgetary policies

Organisation Chart

Functions of Department of Planning, Budget and Performance

  • Preparation of budget report;
  • Carryout mid-year budget review;
  • Budget management;
  • Performance monitoring;
  • Prepare Multi-Year Rolling Budget (MYRB);
  • Ensure internal resources meet re-current expenditure;
  • Research on new initiatives;
  • Technical Support to Budgetary Agencies
  • Strengthening e-Governance.


DPBP has four divisions and each division has agencies grouped according to sector which are; Social and Culture Sector, Economic and Communication Sector, Local Government Sector and Autonomous and Constitutional Sector.

These four divisions are mandated to perform all the above mentioned functions with the objective to provide one window service for the agencies. IT section provides support to all the divisions.

Social and Culture Division

This division is responsible for the following Ministry:

  1. Ministry of Education
  2. Ministry of Health
  3. Ministry of Home and Culture Affairs
  4. Ministry of Works and Human Settlement
  5. Ministry of Labour and Human Resources

 Economic and Communication Division

This division is responsible for the following Ministry:

  1. Ministry of Economic Affairs
  2. Ministry of Agriculture and Forest
  3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  4. Ministry of Finance
  5. Ministry of Information and Communication.

 Local Government Division

This division looks after the following:

  1. 20 Dzongkhags
  2. 205 Gewogs
  3. 4 Thromdes

 Autonomous and Constitutional Division

This division looks after the following:

  1. Constitutional Bodies
  2. Autonomous Agencies

General Support Services

  1. ICT and Pool Division

This division looks after the following:

  1. Formulate and develop new and revise existing MYRB systems
  2. Develop and implement network system and user security requirements
  3. Monitor and report on network traffic, usage and performance
  4. Facilitate budget formulation through various phases of MYRB system, etc.
  5. Receive/Dispatch mails and assist office

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