1,314 total views, 1 views today
Short and Long term training opportunities
Interview Result (21-Oct-2020)
1,402 total views
Shortlisted Candidates (14-Oct-2020)
1,503 total views, 2 views today
IRS Scholarship (21-May-2020)
Indian Revenue Service 2020 Scholarship. Read more
1,606 total views, 1 views today
Nehru-Wangchuck Scholarship (13-Feb-2020)
Nehru-Wangchuck Scholarship for Administration and Finance Service Detail
1,975 total views, 1 views today
CPA Program RIM (25-Dec-2019)
1,903 total views, 1 views today
Interview Result for IRS 2019 (9-Sept-2019)
IRS Shortlist (03-Sept-2019)
Announcement (9-Jan-2018)
Announcement for Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Program
The Ministry of Finance is pleased to announce the availability of 5 slots (3 slots for Finance Officers under NFS/1 slot for Officer under DRC/1 slot for Officer under AASBB for Distance mode CPA Program at RIM as approved vide note sheet no. MoF/DPA/NFS-02/2018-19/2093 dated November 28, 2018.
For the purpose of selection, the Scholarship selection format of BCSR 2018 will be used and the candidates are required to submit the documents as mentioned below. Also the candidate will have to abide by the Guidelines for Distance Mode CPA Program.
Download the link for Guidelines.
- Performance rating/score for last two years
- Rural posting
- Seniority
- Academic achievement/Academic marks
- Individual achievement record
Documents to be submitted:
- Academic marks sheet of Bachelor degree and class XII.
- Individual achievement records (submit the documentary evidence as mentioned in the Scholarship selection format (form 9/9) page 233 of the BCSR 2018).
- Submit valid Audit clearance certificate.
Therefore, interested candidate may apply to the HRD, MoF by email at niduptshering@mof.gov.bt or at tnamjay@mof.gov.bt latest by 15th January 2019.
1,950 total views
Full Scholarships available for qualified candidates at Harvard (12-Sept-2018)

For details… click the link below
2,819 total views