1,821 total views
Public Notifications issued by MoF Secretariat
Notification (30-Mar-2020)
1,642 total views
Notification (28-Mar-2020)
2,762 total views
Notification on TA-DA claims (01-May-2018)
SDF Public Notification (09-Apr-2018)
Seeking public views/comments on draft Accounting & Auditing Standards Bill (14-Jul-2017)
Appreciate receiving your views/comments to email id aasbbhutan@gmail.com by 15th August 2017.
Draft Accounting & Auditing Standards Bill
1,394 total views
Notification on Revised Taxes and Levies Act of Bhutan, 2016 (9-Aug-2016)
Notification of Award (12-Jan-2016)
Notification on Revised Rural House Insurance Scheme (20-Sept-2012)
Revision of External Commercial Borrowing (ECB) Guidelines (3-Dec-2012)
1,699 total views