Office of Secretary
Notifications issued by Directorate of Services
Interview Result (08-March-2024)
Vacancy Announcement (07-March-2024)
Shortlisted Candidates, Admin Asst. (07-March-2024)
Vacancy Announcement (27-Feb-2024)
3,619 total views, 1 views today
Notification on the Import of Vehicles (18-Feb-2024)
24,121 total views, 4 views today
Vacancy Announcement for the post of Admin Assistant. (12-Feb-2024)
News (01-Feb-2024)
January 28, 2024: The Ministry of Finance extended a warm welcome to Lyonpo Lekey Dorji who assumed the role of the Finance Minister, upon conferment of Dakyen by His Majesty The King on January 28, 2024.
After the conferment ceremony, Lyonpo Lekey Dorji was escorted to the Ministry of Finance for the formal joining ceremony followed by offer of Tashi Khadar.
The Ministry of Finance offers heartfelt congratulations and look forward to Lyonpo’s leadership towards sustainable economic growth for a developed Bhutan.
1,757 total views
Concluding Session of Interim Advisor (26-Jan-2024)
January 25, 2024: In a simple ceremony, Dasho Deki Pema, Chairperson of the Anti-Corruption Commission who was appointed as the Interim Advisor to the Ministry of Finance on November 1, 2023 officially completed the Interim Advisor’s tenure.
In the debriefing Meeting, the Acting Secretary of the Ministry of Finance thanked the Interim Government and the Advisor for successfully ensuring a seamless fill-in-gap between the past and the new Government, and for the efficient coordination between the Advisor, the Ministry of Finance and the Interim Government.
The ceremony was also attended by the Dasho Commissioner, Director and Officials from the Anti-Corruption Commission and Head of the Departments and Senior Officials from the Ministry of Finance.
30,018 total views