On 10th January 2018, the Ministry of Finance celebrated the promotion ceremony of Chief Finance Officers to MoF, MoAF, MoH, MoWHS, MoEA, MoFA and Chief Planning Officer, PPD, MoF. The ceremony has been graced by the Honorable Finance Secretary.
Dasho congratulated the newly appointed Chiefs and urged them to work towards further strengthening the financial and budgetary management system in their respective agencies. More importantly, Dasho assured unwavering support and guidance to the newly appointed Chiefs and inspired them to collectively build the credibility of Ministry of Finance.
Dasho addressing to the newly appointed Chiefs
Newly appointed Chief Finance Officers and Chief Planning Officer
The Ministry of Finance had welcomed 84 new recruits as a part of the MoF family on 8 January 2018. The welcoming ceremony has been graced by the Honorable Finance Minister.
The Honorable Finance Minister congratulated the entire new recruits for having selected into various vital positions under Ministry of Finance and numerous agencies across the RGoB Sectors. The Honorable Minister further highlighted and reminded the new recruits on how fortunate we are to be born in the land of Thunder Dragon under the visionary leadership and guidance of Wangchuck Dynasty. The new recruits have been inspired and motivated by the wisdom of Honorable Minster to work towards achieving greater peace, prosperity and stability of the Nation through shouldering important responsibilities individually and collectively. The Honorable Minister also informed that the new recruits have successfully completed their one phase of life and now, embarking upon a new phase of life; absolutely afresh and encompassed by challenges and successes ahead.
The ceremony has been fruitful and educative with Questions and Answers Sessions between the new recruits and Honorable Minister, Honorable Secretary and Department Directors.
The ceremony concluded with the Honorable Minister extending his prayers and wishes to the entire new recruits for their successes in future endeavors. The Honorable Finance Secretary, Department Directors and Officials from the MoF took part in the important function of welcoming the new recruits on 8 January 2018.
The Honorable Finance Minister Addressing the New recruit
The Honorable Finance Secretary answering to the questions asked by the new recruits
The Director, DRC answering to the questions asked by the New recruits
The Director, DPA answering to the questions asked by the New recruits
The entire New recruits with Honorable Finance Minister, Honorable Finance Secretary and Department Directors
1. The opening ceremony of the “Annual Financial Management Workshop: Improving Public Service Delivery through Enhanced Fiscal Decentralization” was graced by the Hon’ble Finance Secretary on 20th December, 2017 at the Regional Revenue and Customs Office, Gelephu.
2. The three day annual workshop is exclusively for the Accounts Officers from all the budgetary agencies of the country.
3. The objective of this annual workshop is to bring together all key players in the Public Financial Management (PFM) and update knowledge on some of the new initiatives and development in the PFM system like, revised Financial Rules and Regulations 2016, PEMS, MYRB, RAMIS, e-Government Procurement System and e-Payment.
3. This platform will provide an opportunity to discuss and deliberate on the issues and challenges faced by the finance personnel while carrying out responsibilities and functions on daily basis in the field.
4. The Royal Civil Service Commission, Royal Audit Authority and the Office of Anti-Corruption Commission will also make a presentation to the participants during the course of training.
5. Around 100 accounts officers will participate the three day workshop from 20-22 December 2017. The annual workshop will conclude on 22nd December 2017.
The Ministry of Finance organized the award ceremony of the “2017 Dedicated Civil Service Awards” on 11th December 2017. Addressing the Award Ceremony by the Hon’ble Finance Secretary, he stated today’s civil service awards which was initiated by the government at the command of His Majesty the King reflects the recognition for distinguished contribution and unwavering hard work of all the recipients. He congratulated all of them
There were 170 recipients in MoF which includes;
1. Lifetime – 25;
2. 30 years and above (Gold Medal) – 28;
3. 20 years and above (Silver Medal) – 29; and
4. 10 years and above (Bronze Medal) – 88.
Merchang Ceremony
Honorable Finance Secretary addressing the Recipients
Honorable Finance Secretary with Lifetime Medal Recipients
Honorable Finance Minister with Lifetime Medal Recipient
Honorable Finance Secretary with Gold Medal Recipients
Honorable Finance Secretary with Silver Medal Recipients
Honorable Finance Secretary with Bronze Medal Recipients
The Hon’ble Finance Minister Lyonpo Namgay Dorji inaugurated the first Petroleum Oil and Lubricants (POL) Service Center today at Drakten Gewog in Trongsa on 18th November, 2017. The first Service Center is inaugurated in Drakten Gewog because the Gewog already has basic services in place. This Center is a joint initiative of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Farm Machinery Center Limited (FMCL), where Department of Trade provides technical support including facilitating issuance of Fuel in barrels and trade licenses while the FMCL is the implementing agency.
This Center provides the following services:
1. Sale of POL services,
2. Sale of basic agriculture tools, and
3. Repair and sale of farm machineries and spare parts.
The Service Center will save time and cost for the farmers to avail such services in the rural areas by bringing these services to their door steps.
A minimum of 200 liters of fuel will be distributed to the Gewogs to maximize the utilization of the Power Tiller and other services. Any excess will be sold to farmers as per the existing Government’s standards and regulations.
Basic agriculture tools and spare parts will be made available to the people to enhance agricultural activities. Farm machineries and agriculture tools will also be repaired in the Center.
To start with, the LPG will be distributed as mobile services from such Services.
The Government has provided adequate budget for the establishment of such Service Centers in all the Gewogs. Fourteen such Centers, where basic services already available, will be established on immediate basis.
The Government take this opportunity to thank and congratulate all stakeholders including Department of Trade and Regional Trade & Industries Offices of MoEA, FMCL, MoA, Trongsa Dzongkhag and Gewog Administrations who have put in so much efforts to establish this Center.
The POL Service Center in Drakten Gewog will benefit 600 Households.
PRESS RELEASE 2017 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund (13-15 October, 2017)
The 2017 Annual Meetings of the Board of Governors of the World Bank Group (WBG) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) was held in Washington, D.C., USA from 13-15 October, 2017. The Hon’ble Finance Minister, Lyonpo Namgay Dorji, in the capacity of the Board of Governors to the WBG, led the RGoB delegation.
The Board of Governors of the WBG and the IMF meet once a year to discuss the work of their respective institutions. The Annual Meetings bring together central bankers, ministers of finance and development, private sector executives, and academics to discuss issues of global concern including the world economic outlook, poverty eradication, economic development, and aid effectiveness. The meeting also features seminars, regional briefings, press conferences, and many other events focused on the global economy, international development, and the world’s financial system.
On the sideline of Annual Meetings, the RGoB delegation also held bilateral meetings with various donor agencies and senior management of the World Bank Group and IMF and discussed issues of mutual interest. The Hon’ble Finance Minister also had courtesy meeting with Ms. S Aparna Subramani, the Executive Director of the World Bank for India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Sri Lanka who was recently appointed to the post.
En-route to Bhutan, the Hon’ble Finance Minister attended the RemitBhutan Review Meeting with the Royal Monetary Authority (RMA) delegation on 17th October, 2017 in New York. The Hon’ble Finance Minister also launched the RemitBhutan initiative in United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Kuwait on 19th and 21st October, 2017 respectively in collaboration with the RMA and the financial institutions (BoBL, BNBL, DPNBL, and TBank Ltd).
The opening Session of the 2017 Annual Meeting Plenary by the World Bank Group President Dr. Jim Yong Kim.
H.E. Lyonpo Namgay Dorji with the World Bank Vice President for South Asia Region, Ms. Annette Dixon on the sidelines of 2017 Annual Meetings of WBG/IM
The opening ceremony of the “Financial Management Training: Improving Public Service Delivery through Enhanced Fiscal Decentralization” was graced by the Hon’ble Finance Minister on 3rd October, 2017 at the Royal Institute of Management (RIM).
The four day training program is exclusively for the Accounts Assistants from all the budgetary agencies of the country.
The objective of this training program is to bring together all key players in the Public Financial Management (PFM) and update knowledge on some of the new initiatives and development in the PFM system like, revised Financial Rules and Regulations 2016, PEMS, MYRB, RAMIS, e-Government Procurement System and e-Payment.
This platform will provide an opportunity to discuss and deliberate on the issues and challenges faced by the finance personnel while carrying out responsibilities and functions on daily basis in the field.
The Royal Civil Service Commission, Royal Audit Authority and the Office of Anti-Corruption Commission will also make a presentation to the participants during the course of training.
Around 570 accounts assistant will participate the four day training program from 3-6th October 2017.
The training program will conclude on 6th October 2017.
Press Release Launching of Public Private Partnership (PPP) Policy 2016 & PPP Rules and Regulations 2017
The Public Private Partnership (PPP) Policy 2016 and PPP Rules and Regulations 2017 was officially launched by the Hon’ble Finance Minister on 15th September, 2017 in the Ministry of Finance, Tashichhodzong. This Rules and Regulations will contribute towards improving socio-economic development of the country.
The Royal Government of Bhutan recognizing the importance of investment in infrastructure to accelerate socio-economic development has embarked on promoting Public Private Partnership (PPP) as a key strategy for achieving sustainable economic growth. Considering the substantive role played by PPP in harnessing private sector investments and their operational efficiencies, the Government has approved the PPP Policy in 2016.
Public Private Partnership (PPP) is a long term arrangement between public and private sectors to leverage private sector resources and expertise in meeting the growing demand of infrastructure development, though shared risk and resources.
The PPP Policy 2016 provides a structured, transparent and institutionalized approach to PPPs – establishing uniform procedures across various sectors and ensuring fair and equal access to PPP projects. It covers all infrastructure and services that are affordable to the Government, end-users and represent Value for Money. Further, it supports the development of viable and feasible projects as PPPs that shall offer reasonable returns to the private sector, better service delivery options for the citizens, while protecting the Government from fiscal risks.
Accordingly, to operationalize the PPP Policy, the MoF formulated PPP Rules and Regulations 2017, in close consultation with key stakeholders with an objective to provide more specific guidance in designing and implementing PPP projects. These Rules and Regulations shall establish an enabling environment for private investors to participate in PPP projects with transparent and streamlined process.
These PPP Rules and Regulations shall be applied to all new projects being planned or solicited for development through the PPP model.
The Royal Government in order to effectively facilitate the implementation of PPP program has established a PPP Unit under the Department of Macroeconomic Affairs, Ministry of Finance in the Year 2016.
1. Hon’ble Finance Minister, Lyonpo Namgay Dorji launched the Official Credit Card for the budgetary bodies on September 8, 2017 at the Tashichhodzong, Thimphu.
2. The introduction of Official Credit Card for budgetary bodies is one of the many new initiatives undertaken by the Ministry of Finance to digitalize the payment systems. The objective of the Official Credit Card is to make the Government payments outside the country more convenient and efficient. Further, it is also aimed at supporting the Government’s initiative of moving towards cashless economy.
3. The Government payment outside the country using the Official Credit Card is expected to reduce the processing time and administrative costs as the transactions would be on real-time.
4. This will reduce the risk of carrying cash advances by officials on travel abroad and also it will facilitate in availing prompt services through the online payment system.
5. In the initial phase, the use of Official Credit Card will be piloted in selected budgetary bodies.
6. Based on the experience during the pilot phase, the Ministry of Finance will gradually implement the use of Official Credit Card in other budgetary bodies.
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