803 total views, 2 views today
General Tender
General Tender and Quotation calls
REOI for Hiring of International Individual Consultant for Strengthening the documentation and classification of the budget of the RGOB with special focus on gender, DMEA. Download
ToR for Hiring of International Individual Consultant for Strengthening the documentation and classification of the budget of the RGOB with special focus on gender, DMEA. Download
Tender (07-Oct-2021)
779 total views, 1 views today
Request for Quotation (28-May-2021)
Invitation for Multi Year Rate Contract (6-Apr-2021)
Re-tender Notice (02-April-2021)
1,037 total views
Tender Notice (30-March-2021)
Tender (05-Feb-2021)
935 total views, 1 views today
Re-tender (04-Feb-2021)
861 total views
Notification (01-Feb-2021)
1,185 total views