890 total views, 1 views today
General Tender
General Tender and Quotation calls
Air Ticketing Quotation (29-May-2023)
830 total views
Air Ticketing Quotation (24-May-2023)
912 total views
Air Ticketing Quotation (07-April-2023)
1,542 total views
Auction Notification (06-April-2023)
2,277 total views
Request for Expression of Interest (28-March-2023)
Tender Notice for Air Ticketing (22-March-2023)
2,712 total views
Amendment on Request of Expression of Interest (REOI)
2,330 total views
Hiring of National Individual Consultant for Short term consultancy services for the Design, Cost Estimates, Drawings and Supervision of irrigation schemes (15-Feb-2023)
REOI for Hiring of firm for the Development of an Action plan for upgrading existing PFM Information Systems and transition to IFMIS (09-Feb-2023)
2,042 total views