General Tender

General Tender and Quotation calls

Notification (29-Oct-2018)

The Accounting and Auditing Standards Board of Bhutan, Ministry of Finance, would like to inform all the shortlisted bidders that the evaluation of technical proposals for “Review of BAS Phase I and II implementation by companies; identify challenges; provide recommendations to address the challenges and to provide training on BAS” has been completed.

The Financial Proposals of the qualified firms (s) will be opened on the day, time and venue provided below:

Date : 9th November, 2018

Time : 10:00AM (BST)

Venue : AASBB Office, WWF Building-Ground Floor, Kawanjangsa, Thimphu. The qualified firms are as below:

1. Price Waterhouse Chartered Accountants LLP

2. Ernest & Young, Sri Lanka

3. Deloitte Haskins & Sells LLP

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Notice for Opening of Financial Proposal (7-Aug-2018)

The Central Coordinating Agency, Ministry of Finance, would like to inform all the shortlisted bidders that the evaluation of technical proposals for “Consultancy services for Strengthening the Effectiveness and Capacity of Internal Audit” has been completed. The Financial Proposals of the qualified firm(s) will be opened on the day, time and venue provided below.
Date: 17th August 2018
Time: 10:00 AM (BST)
Venue: Conference Hall, Department of National Budget, Ministry of Finance

List of the qualified firms:

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Letter of Intent (7-Jun-2017)

Letter of Intent for supply of Cartridges & Paper.

  • MS Dejung Norbu Enterprise (Cartridges)
  • MS Drasindra Technology (Cartridges)
  • MS Karma Office Supply (Cartridges)
  • MS NANA Enterprise (Cartridges)
  • MS Shay Choee Enterprise (Cartridges)
  • MS Thrundrel Kuenchap Enterprise (Cartridges)
  • MS NANA Enterprise (Paper)

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