Department of Procurement and Properties
Circulars issued by Department of National Properties
Central procurement HDPE pipes (8-Sept-2015)
Circular on Cement Procurement (15-Jan-2014)
Circular on Cement Procurement (15-Jan-2014)
1,860 total views, 1 views today
Circulars on Procurement of Cement (12-July-2011)
Circulars on Procurement of Cement (12-July-2011)
1,669 total views, 2 views today
Revision of Threshold levels for different levels of Tender Committee (13-July-2011)
Circulars on Procurement of Cement (15-Nov-2010)
Circulars on Procurement of Cement (15-Nov-2010)
1,637 total views
Circulars for Small value Procurement (9-May-2011)
Circulars for Small value Procurement (9-May-2011)
1,612 total views
Circulars on Point Based System (25-Apr-2011)
Circulars on Point Based System (25-Apr-2011)
1,539 total views, 1 views today
Documents for Small Value Procurement(1-Mar-2011)
Documents for Small Value Procurement(1-Mar-2011)
1,639 total views
Amendments to the Procurement Rules and Regulations 2009 (9-April-2009)
Amendments to the Procurement Rules and Regulations 2009 (9-April-2009)
2,071 total views, 1 views today