Vacancy and Career opportunities
Vacancy Announcement for REDCL (1-Aug-2016)
Vacancy Announcement for Foreign Transfer (26-July-2016)
Vacancy Announcement for Foreign Transfer (19-July-2016)
Result for the post of Accountant (REDCL) (15-July-2016)
Result for the post of Accountant (REDCL)
Sl. No. | Name | CID | Marks in % | Remarks |
1 | Passang Gyem | 10505000276 | 62.13 | |
2 | Passang Wangmo | 11411001480 | 72.13 | Selected |
3 | Tashi Yangdon | 11512004812 | 67.25 | Standby |
4 | Yeshi Samdrup | 11606001410 | 56.75 | |
5 | Tshering Tobgay | 10101003963 | 50.00 |
Interim CEO
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Vacancy for Chief Accounts Officer, MoF (15-July-2016)
Chief Budget and Program Officer Appointed (4-Jul-2016)
- Phuntsho Wangdi (EID#9811019), Dy. Chief Budget Officer is appointed as a Chief Budget Officer of Local Government Sector, Department of National Budget with effect from 1st July 2016.
- Norbu Dendup (EID#9711007), Dy. Chief Accounts Officer is appointed as a Chief Program Officer of Public Enterprise Division with effect from 1st July 2016
The above officials were selected through Open-Competition selection procedure conducted by Ministry of Finance on 16th June 2016.
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