Vacancy and Career opportunities
Shortlisted Candidates (02-Mar-2021)
Shortlisted Candidates for the post of Regional Director, RRCO, Bumthang and Chief Finance Officer, MoAF.Download
1,053 total views, 1 views today
Interview Result (26-Feb-2021)
Vacancy Re-announcement (19-Feb-2021)
1,334 total views
Vacancy Re-announcement (18-Feb-2021)
Shortlisted Candidates (18-Feb-2021)
Interview Result (15-Feb-2021)
869 total views
Vacancy Announcement (10-Feb-2021)
1,878 total views
Vacancy for Asst. ICT Officer (06-Feb-2021)
1,864 total views
Interview Result (05-Feb-2021)
796 total views