Vacancy and Career opportunities
Interview Result for Foreign Posting (03-Nov-2022)
1,017 total views
Shortlisted Candidate for the post of Advisor, World Bank (02-Nov-2022)
1,211 total views, 1 views today
Interview Result for Automobile Technician (Mechanic)
866 total views, 1 views today
Vacancy Announcement (25-Oct-2022)
1,740 total views, 1 views today
Interview Result for Foreign Posting (24-Oct-2022)
1,555 total views
Shortlisted Candidates (24-Oct-2022)
Notification on Selection Interview for Foreign Posting
Royal Civil Services Commission
1,128 total views, 1 views today
Vacancy Announcement (03-Oct-2022)
1,032 total views, 1 views today