Author: Khina

Announcement (9-Jan-2018)

Announcement for Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Program

The Ministry of Finance is pleased to announce the availability of 5 slots (3 slots for Finance Officers under NFS/1 slot for Officer under DRC/1 slot for Officer under AASBB for Distance mode CPA Program at RIM as approved vide note sheet no. MoF/DPA/NFS-02/2018-19/2093 dated November 28, 2018.

For the purpose of selection, the Scholarship selection format of BCSR 2018 will be used and the candidates are required to submit the documents as mentioned below. Also the candidate will have to abide by the Guidelines for Distance Mode CPA Program.

Download the link for Guidelines.

  1. Performance rating/score for last two years
  2. Rural posting
  3. Seniority
  4. Academic achievement/Academic marks
  5. Individual achievement record

Documents to be submitted:

  1. Academic marks sheet of Bachelor degree and class XII.
  2. Individual achievement records (submit the documentary evidence as mentioned in the Scholarship selection format (form 9/9) page 233 of the BCSR 2018).
  3. Submit valid Audit clearance certificate.

Therefore, interested candidate may apply to the HRD, MoF by email at or at latest by 15th January 2019.

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PRESS RELEASE (25-Dec-2018)

  1. The opening ceremony of the “Public Financial Management Training: Improving Public Service Delivery through Enhanced Fiscal Decentralization” was graced by the Hon’ble Finance
    Minister on 25th December, 2018 at the Royal Institute of Management (RIM).

    Participants with Hon’ble Finance Minister

  3. The four day training program is exclusively for the Accounts Assistants from all the budgetary
    agencies of the country.

  5. The objective of this training program is to bring together all key players in the Public Financial Management (PFM) and update knowledge on some of the new initiatives and development in the entire PFM process and systems.

  7. This platform will provide an opportunity to discuss and deliberate on emerging issues and challenges faced by the finance personnel while carrying out responsibilities and functions on daily basis in the field.

  9. Apart for the sessions by the Ministry of Finance, the Royal Civil Service Commission (RCSC), Royal Audit Authority (RAA), Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) and National Pension and Provident Fund (NPPF) will also make presentation to the participants during the course of the training.

  11. Around 570 Accounts Assistants will participate in the four day training program from December 25-28, 2018.

  13. The training program is funded under a TA grant from Asian Development Bank (ADB).

  15. The training program will conclude on 28th December 2018.

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The Ministry of Finance has organized the Civil Service Award ceremony for the year 2018 on 11 December 2018. The award ceremony was graced by Hon’ble Finance Secretary Dasho Nim Dorji who was also one of the recipients of the Gold medal for his 30 years of distinguished career in the civil service.

Dasho Nim Dorji, recipient of Gold medal for 30 years of dedicated service

Lifetime Service Award Recipients with Hon’ble Finance Secretary

30 years Service Award (Gold) Recipients with Hon’ble Finance Secretary

20 years Service Award (Silver) Recipients with Hon’ble Finance Secretary

10 years Service Award (Bronze) Recipients with Hon’ble Finance Secretary

Addressing the ceremony, the Hon’ble Secretary informed the gathering that the civil service award is initiated by the government upon the command of His Majesty the King for the recognition of distinguished contribution and hard work of all the recipients. The Hon’ble Secretary further emphasized that it is an excellent opportunity for recipients and all other employees of Ministry of Finance to pay tribute and rededicate our commitment and loyalty to serve Tsa-Wa-Sum. The Hon’ble Secretary and his team congratulated all the award recipients.

The total of 103 employees has been awarded the service award under four categories;
Lifetime service award for 8 employees
Dedicated service award (30 years) for 20 employees (Gold)
Dedicated service award (20 years) for 20 employees (Silver)
Dedicated service award (10 years) for 55 employees (Bronze)


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