Author: Khina
Vacancy Announcement (25-Feb-2022)
Notification (25-Feb-2022)
Auction Postponement Notice (23-Feb-2022)
This is to notify all the potential bidders that Department of National Properties (DNP) would like to postpone the SealedBid Auction scheduled on 26thFebruary, 2022 till further notice due to surge in COVID cases in the community. The submission deadline will be announced once the lockdown is lifted prior to one week.
The inconvenience caused is highly regretted.
1,227 total views, 2 views today
Notification (17-Feb-2022)
1,227 total views, 1 views today
Vacancy Announcement (16-Feb-2021)
1,337 total views
Tender Notice (14-Feb-2022)
Auction Notice (14-Feb-2022)
2,077 total views, 1 views today
Announcement (28-Jan-2022)
1,498 total views, 1 views today
International Customs Day (26-Jan-2022)
2,275 total views, 3 views today