Author: Webmaster

e-GP Logo Notification (4-Oct-2016)

The Public Procurement Policy Division (PPPD), Ministry of Finance has selected e-GP Logo through an open competition. The logo shall be in the public domain for one month from 4 October to 2 November 2016. If any individual/Organization has copy right issues or any other objection in relation to this logo, please contact Public Procurement Policy Division, Ministry of Finance at 336962 or email:

No disputes or complaints shall be entertained after 2 November 2016 after which the logo will be officially declared and used as the E-GP logo.

Description of e-GP logo:

The dark green power button sign ( ) symbolizes the electronic system of the Government Procurement, which will ensure e­ciency of work. The green colour symbolizes the environmental friendliness and continuity of the procurement system. The two green lotus leaves ( ), which take the shape of the palm of hands, symbolize the purity in the minds of both Government and bidders in discharge of the procurement functions. In case of any fraudulent practices, the red‑ame ( ), which over-archs the whole logo, will burn everything like the re that is unstoppable once started.The letters ‘e-GP’ on a white background symbolizes the transparent nature of the procurement.

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Shortlisted candidate for viva announced by REDCL (30-Sept-2016)

This is to inform that the REDCL has completed shortlisting of candidates for the Viva for various positions based on the following criteria:
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The details for the viva are as follows:
Venue: BDBL CSIFD Board Room (4th Floor), Below MoIC Building, Chubachu, Thimphu

ICT Officer: 3rd October 2016
Fund Counselor: 3rd October 2016
Project Analyst: 4th October 2016
Receptionist: 4th October 2016

The shortlisted candidates are hereby requested to report along with original academic transcripts and certificates on the interview date. The candidates are further requested to report 10 minutes earlier to the scheduled interview time.

For any inquiries, kindly contact REDCL office at 02-339240/02-339241 during the office hours.

The lists of the shortlisted candidates and interview time are attached herewith.


Shortlisted of candidates for the Viva:
1. ICT Officer download
2. Fund Counselor download
3. Project Analyst download
4. Receptionist download

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Inauguration of Department of Macroeconomic Affairs, Ministry of Finance (26-Sept-2016)


The Department of Macroeconomic Affairs in the Ministry of Finance was formally inaugurated by the Hon’ble Finance Minister, Lyonpo Namgay Dorji on 26th September, 2016. The inaugural ceremony was attended by officials from the Ministry of Finance and RCSC.

The new Department will be the main coordinating agency which is responsible for formulating and monitoring macroeconomic policies and programs. The Department shall advise the Government on macroeconomic and public finance management. The Department will support MoF to fulfill its mandates with regard to macroeconomic coordination and facilitation as enshrined in the Public Finance Act.

  • Objectives & Structure of Department of Macroeconomic Affairs download
  • Public Notification download

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