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Author: Webmaster
Budget Call Notification 2010 – 2011
Budget Call Notification 2011-2012
Notification on provision for new appointments (02-Aug-2011)
Notification on provision for new appointments (02-Aug-2011)
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Budget Call Notification 2014-2015
Budget Call Notification 2013-2014
Budget Notification 2012-2013
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Budget Notification 2013-2014
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Budget Notification 2014-2015
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WCO’s Secretary General calls on the Prime Minister
The World Customs Organization’s Secretary General, Kunio Mikuriya, called on the Prime Minister, Tshering Tobgay, at Gyalyong Tshogkhang today.
The WCO established in 1952 is an apex intergovernmental body which aims to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the customs administration throughout the globe.
Lyonchhen and the Secretary General discussed on expanding information and communication technology, improving human resource development and setting up business friendly economic competitiveness.
A press release from the Prime Minister’s Office says since its membership, Bhutan has been receiving substantial technical support and training services from WCO. Bhutan joined WCO in 2002.
“The significant support and training services provided by WCO was greatly valued,” said the Prime Minister. The discussion also touched upon economic reforms and technological changes to promote transparency and accountability in customs administration.
The Prime Minister and the Secretary General also talked about harmonising and simplifying customs procedure to simplify the progress of legitimate trade across national boundaries and encourage public and private sector to work together.
Lyonchhen also congratulated Kunio Mikuriya for being re-elected for the second consecutive term. Mr. Mikuriya, accompanied by the Head of the Asia Pacific Regional Capacity Bureau of Bangkok, Yoshi Hiro Kosaka is on a two day goodwill visit.
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