Finance Secretaries

Finance Secretary
Dasho Leki Wangmo

His Majesty The King granted Dhar to appoint Ms. Leki Wangmo as
the Finance Secretary. Ms. Leki Wangmo was the Acting Secretary of the Ministry of Finance from November, 2022.

The appointment of Ms. Leki Wangmo as Finance Secretary reflects the transformation in the country across public and corporate sectors focusing on bold reforms in the areas of governance and leadership, financial discipline, and culture and behavioral change,
amongst others. Ms. Leki holds a Master Degree in Business Administration (MBA) specializing in Finance from The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.

Acting Finance Secretary
 Leki Wangmo

Ms. Leki Wangmo was appointed the Acting Finance Secretary by the Royal Civil Service Commission vide Press Release No.RCSC/LD-63/2022/1500 dated 28th October, 2022. Ms. Leki started her career in the Ministry of Finance, working extensively with various development partners to mobilize resources for planned development and went on to work at the Druk Holding and Investments (DHI) in the areas of business development and investments. Later, Ms. Leki joined the National Pension and Provident Fund (NPPF) to lead the investment team, managing close to Nu.50 billion in asset management spread over debt, equity, real estate and other investment avenues. In December, 2021 Ms. Leki onboarded the Transformation Team leading change across public and corporate sectors focusing on bold reforms in the areas of governance and leadership, financial discipline, prudence and culture and behavioral change.

Dasho Kesang Deki
Eighth Finance Secretary
Dasho Kesang Deki

His Majesty The King conferred Dhar to Dasho Kesang Deki, appointing her as the Secretary of the Ministry of Finance on 14th August 2021. Dasho’s meritorious career started as a young tax officer in the Department of Revenue and Customs under the Ministry of Finance, rising on to become the head of Tax Administration. In recognition of her outstanding leadership, she was appointed as one of the four Commissioners of the Royal Civil Service Commission on 21st May, 2014. Following the successful completion of her term, Dasho returned to Ministry of Finance as the Director General of the Department of National Properties on May, 2019.

The Seventh Finance Secretary
Dasho Nim Dorji

Dasho Nim Dorji was appointed by His Majesty the King as the new Finance Secretary on 14th July, 2016.
Prior to his appointment, Dasho served as Director General of Department of Agriculture in the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests. He also served as the Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Finance.
Dasho started his career in 1989 as trainee officer in the Ministry of Finance. He became the Director of Department of Public Accounts in 2007 and the Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Finance in 2012.
He holds a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Canberra, Australia.

The Sixth Finance Secretary
Dasho Lam Dorji

He was the former Planning Secretary, before being appointed as the Finance Secretary. Former Secretary, Dasho Yanki T Wangchuk handed over charges to present secretary on 19th March 2008. He worked as Director, Department of Budget and Accounts for seven years (1997-2003) before his transfer to the Planning Commission Secretariat till 2007.

The Fifth Finance Secretary
Dasho Yangki T. Wangchuk

She was formally appointed as the Finance Secretary on the 4th of September 2003. Prior to the appointment, Aum Yanki had served as the Director General of the Department of Aid and Debt Management as well as the Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Finance.

The Fourth Finance Secretary
Dasho Wangdi Norbu

He was appointed the Secretary of Ministry on 01/01/2000. He served as the Finance Secretary for a period of about three and half years, till July 2003. Prior to this appointment, he served as the Auditor General.

The Third Finance Secretary
Dasho Yeshey Zimba

He was also initially appointed as the Joint Secretary in 1991. He was promoted as the Finance Secretary in the year 1994 and served as the Secretary till 1997. Thereafter he was appointed the Deputy Finance Minister till July 1998.

The Second Finance Secretary
Dasho Nado Rinchen

He was initially appointed as the Joint Secretary from the 1st of January 1986 and was promoted in 1988 and served as the Finance Secretary till November 1989.

The First Finance Secretary
Dasho Dorji Tshering

He was also appointed as the Secretary of Finance in 1968 and served till 1983.

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