Month: February 2024

Press Release (24-Feb-2024)

1st JPMC for Gyalsung Infrastructure Project

The 1st Joint Project Monitoring Committee (JPMC) meeting for the Gyalsung
Infrastructure Project was conducted on February 20, 2024 in Thimphu. The Bhutanese
delegation was led by Mr. Tshering Dorji, Director, Department of Macro-Fiscal and
Development Finance, Ministry of Finance and the Indian delegation was led by Shri. Amit
A. Shukla, Joint Secretary (North)-II, Ministry of External Affairs.
During the meeting, the status of the project was reviewed and valuable insights on the
project implementation were exchanged. The constructive dialogue fostered mutual
understanding and laid a solid foundation for further collaboration.

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News (01-Feb-2024)

January 28, 2024: The Ministry of Finance extended a warm welcome to Lyonpo Lekey Dorji who assumed the role of the Finance Minister, upon conferment of Dakyen by His Majesty The King on January 28, 2024.

After the conferment ceremony, Lyonpo Lekey Dorji was escorted to the Ministry of Finance for the formal joining ceremony followed by offer of Tashi Khadar.

The Ministry of Finance offers heartfelt congratulations and look forward to Lyonpo’s leadership towards sustainable economic growth for a developed Bhutan.

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