1,110 total views
Month: August 2021
Notification (24-Aug-2021)
News (19-Aug-2021):
On the auspicious 10th day of the Seventh Month of the Iron Female Ox Year corresponding to 17th August 2021 (Tuesday), Mr. Phuntsho Wangdi joined Directorate of Services as the Director. Prior to this appointment he served as Chief Budget Officer of the Department of National Budget, Ministry of Finance.

1,259 total views
Vacancy Announcement (18-Aug-2021)
News (16-Aug-2021)
His Majesty The King conferred Dhar to Dasho Kesang Deki, appointing her as the Secretary of the Ministry of Finance on 14th August 2021.

His Majesty The King conferred Dhar to Dasho Kesang Deki, appointing her as the Secretary of the Ministry of Finance on 14th August 2021 corresponding to the 6th day of the 7th month of the Iron Female Ox Year. Dasho’s meritorious career started as a young tax officer in the Department of Revenue and Customs under the Ministry of Finance, rising on to become the head of Tax Administration.In recognition of her outstanding leadership, she was appointed as one of the four Commissioners of the Royal Civil Service Commission on 21st May, 2014. Following the successful completion of her term, Dasho returned to Ministry of Finance as the Director General of the Department of National Properties on May, 2019. The Ministry of Finance fraternity would like to felicitate Dasho Kesang Deki, on her promotion and appointment as the Secretary of Ministry of Finance. We offer our heartiest Tashi Delek and best wishes for a very successful tenure.We are confident that the Ministry will achieve greater heights in serving the Tsawa Sum under Dasho’s able leadership.
1,445 total views, 4 views today
Auction Notice (10-Aug-2021)
Announcement (06-Aug-2021)
1,668 total views, 1 views today
Interview Result (04-Aug-2021)
1,359 total views