Month: December 2020
Notification (25-Dec-2020)
Shortlisted Candidates (18-Dec-2020)
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Dedicated Civil Service Award (16-Dec-2020)
The Annual Royal Civil Service Award 2020 of the Ministry of Finance was held on December 14, 2020. The award ceremony was graced by Hon’ble Dasho Secretary, Ministry of Finance.
The award ceremony was conducted to fulfill the noble wishes of His Majesty the Druk Gyalpo to recognize the utmost dedication and loyalty of civil servants and their outstanding contribution to the TSA-Wa-Sum. It was also to remind them of their greater responsibilities that they need to shoulder for the nation. For this year, there were total of 244 medal and certificate recipients in the following categories:
1. Lifetime Service Award – 25 recipients.
2. Gold Medal for 30 years Service- 12 recipients
3. Silver Medal for 20 years Service -42
4. Bronze Medal for 10 Service -165
The Ministry would like to congratulate and convey our heartfelt wishes to each award recipient for their commitment, hard work and dedication to Tsa-Wa-Sum.

1,545 total views
Shortlisted Candidates (16 Dec-2020)
IWP Review Period for FY 2020-21 (11-Dec-2020)
This is to inform that the IWP review period for appraisal period 2020 to 2021 has been opened from 1st December 2020 and it will remain open till 15th February 2021. Under the normal schedule, the review period is only for two months (i.e. December to January). However, for this year, RCSC had extended the review period by fifteen days (i.e. till 15th February, 2021) in view of the following reasons:
- The APA/APT review & endorsement by the High Power Committee,Cabinet will be on 23rd December 2020.
- Signing of final APA/APT will be done on 30th December 2020.
In this regard, we would like to request all the Heads of Divisions and Departments to kindly ensure that the changes in activities, target values of the staff in their respective IWP based on the prioritized APA/APT are done within the stipulated time.
3,562 total views, 3 views today
Vacancy Announcement (09-Dec-2020)
Superannuation of employee (03-Dec-2020)
Launching of Internal Audit documents
1,488 total views
Notification (02-Dec-2020)
1,469 total views