Month: June 2019
Revised notification of PRR and SBD 2019 (27-June-2019)
Auction Notice (25-June-2019)
Attache RBE Dhaka interview result (24-June-2019)
Shortlisted Applicants (21-June-2019)
Shortlisted Applicants for the post of Advisor, World Bank:
Sl# | Name | EID | PT | PL | Agency |
1 | Karma Dorji | 2101175 | CFO | P1 A | JDWNRH |
2 | Deki Wangmo | 2001010 | CBO | P1 A | DNB, MoF |
3 | Budhiman Rai | 2001009 | CAO | P1 A | DPA, MoF |
4 | Lhaden Lotay | 2001008 | CPO | P1 A | DMEA, MoF |
5 | Munesh Sharma | 2101185 | CFO | P1 A | MoE |
6 | Norbu Dendup | 9711007 | CPO | P1 A | DMEA, MoF |
7 | Ugyen Norbu | 9711003 | Collector | P1 A | DRC, MoF |
The interview is scheduled on 24 June 2019 at 2:00 PM at Conference Hall, Ministry of Finance, Tashichho Dzong. The applicants must produce all the relevant documents in original during the time of interview.
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Vacancy Announcement (20-June-2019)
Vacancy Announcement (18-June-2019)
Interview Result (18-June-2019)
Notification (14-June-2019)
In line with the Public Private Partnership (PPP) Policy 2016 and PPP Rules and Regulation 2017, the Ministry is pleased to issue the following documents for effective implementation of PPP Projects:
- Guidelines for PPP Project
- PPP Standard Bidding Document;
- Standard Heads of Agreements;
- PPP Screening Tool Manual
a. Request for Expression of Interest (EoI)
b. Request for Proposal (One-Stage)
c. Request for Proposal (Two-Stage)
d. Request for Qualifications
a. Availability Fee Based PPP
b. User Fee Based PPP
The notification shall come into force from the date of issue.
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