Month: June 2018

Shortlisted Applicants for Collector, Customs & Excise Division, DRC (7-Jun-2018)

The Ministry of Finance is pleased to announce the shortlisted applicants for the post of Collector, Customs & Excise Division, DRC, Ministry of Finance.

Results of shortlisting are notified through email.

The shortlisted applicants are requested to report to MOF Conference Hall, on June 13, 2018 at 12:00PM.

For further information / clarification, please contact HRD, MoF at 02-322268 during the office hours.

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Grant received from World Bank for supporting Reforms in the Mining Sector (5-Jun-2018)

THIMPHU, June 5, 2018 – The Royal Government of Bhutan received a US$ 300,000 grant from the World Bank-led Extractives Global Programmatic Support (EGPS) multi-donor trust fund to support reforms in the mining sector and assist the Department of Geology and Mines with the implementation of the 2017 Mineral Development Policy.

The project, Supporting Minerals Management Policy Reform, will help (i) revise the 2002 Mines and Minerals Management Regulations; (ii) access international best practice advice on mines allocation, strategic minerals and mineral pricing; (iii) support advocacy programs for the implementation of the Mineral Development Policy; (iv) build technical capacity within the Mineral Development Division; and (v) enhance information system and compliance monitoring.

The Grant Agreement was signed today between the Hon’ble Finance Minister, Lyonpo Namgay Dorji and Mr. Yoichiro Ishihara, Resident Representative, World Bank.

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