Month: January 2018

Selection Interview for Sr. Program Officer, PPP Unit, DMEA (22-Jan-2018)

The Ministry of Finance is pleased to announce following two candidates for the post of Sr. Program Officer, PPP unit, Department of Macroeconomic Affairs:

Namgyel Dorji, Sr. Accounts Officer, DPA

Kuenzang Tharchen, Sr. Internal Auditor, Wangdue Dzongkhag

The selection interview is scheduled on 26 January 2018 at the DMEA Conference Hall from 10:00 am.

Therefore the above shortlisted candidates are requested report on the above Date & Time for the interview.

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Promotion ceremony of Chief Planning Officer and Chief Finance Officers (10-Jan-2018)

On 10th January 2018, the Ministry of Finance celebrated the promotion ceremony of Chief Finance Officers to MoF, MoAF, MoH, MoWHS, MoEA, MoFA and Chief Planning Officer, PPD, MoF. The ceremony has been graced by the Honorable Finance Secretary.
Dasho congratulated the newly appointed Chiefs and urged them to work towards further strengthening the financial and budgetary management system in their respective agencies. More importantly, Dasho assured unwavering support and guidance to the newly appointed Chiefs and inspired them to collectively build the credibility of Ministry of Finance.

Dasho addressing to the newly appointed Chiefs

Newly appointed Chief Finance Officers and Chief Planning Officer

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Vacancy Re-Announcement (9-Jan-2018)

Date: 09/01/2018

The Regional Revenue & Customs Office, Phuntsholing would like to re-invite applications from the Bhutanese national for the following post.

Position Category No. of Post Appointment Type Age
Security Guard ESP 3 Consolidated Contract 18 to 50 Years

Interested candidate may apply to the Regional Director, RRCO, Phuntsholing along with the following documents on or before 23rd January 2018.

1. Duly filled RCSC employment application form
2. Copy of Citizenship Identity Card
3. Valid Security Clearance
4. Valid Medical Certificate
5. No Objection certificate, if employed
6. Experience Certificate, if any

Shortlisted candidates shall be notified and called for an interview. For further information, please contact the Administrative Officer, RRCO, Phuntsholing at 05-251792

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Address by the Hon’ble Finance Minister in welcoming the new recruits (9-Jan-2018)

The Ministry of Finance had welcomed 84 new recruits as a part of the MoF family on 8 January 2018. The welcoming ceremony has been graced by the Honorable Finance Minister.

The Honorable Finance Minister congratulated the entire new recruits for having selected into various vital positions under Ministry of Finance and numerous agencies across the RGoB Sectors. The Honorable Minister further highlighted and reminded the new recruits on how fortunate we are to be born in the land of Thunder Dragon under the visionary leadership and guidance of Wangchuck Dynasty. The new recruits have been inspired and motivated by the wisdom of Honorable Minster to work towards achieving greater peace, prosperity and stability of the Nation through shouldering important responsibilities individually and collectively. The Honorable Minister also informed that the new recruits have successfully completed their one phase of life and now, embarking upon a new phase of life; absolutely afresh and encompassed by challenges and successes ahead.

The ceremony has been fruitful and educative with Questions and Answers Sessions between the new recruits and Honorable Minister, Honorable Secretary and Department Directors.

The ceremony concluded with the Honorable Minister extending his prayers and wishes to the entire new recruits for their successes in future endeavors. The Honorable Finance Secretary, Department Directors and Officials from the MoF took part in the important function of welcoming the new recruits on 8 January 2018.

The Honorable Finance Minister Addressing the New recruit

The Honorable Finance Secretary answering to the questions asked by the new recruits

The Director, DRC answering to the questions asked by the New recruits

The Director, DPA answering to the questions asked by the New recruits

The entire New recruits with Honorable Finance Minister, Honorable Finance Secretary and Department Directors

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