Month: April 2016
Bhutan Duty Free Limited Vacancy Announcement (28-Apr-2016)
Bhutan Duty Free Limited is pleased to announce various vacancies for immediate employment. Interest candidates are advised to refer terms of reference, eligibility criteria and the procedure for submission of applications.
- Guidelines for submission of application for employment
- Terms of Reference (TOR)
- Employment Application Form
Word Format
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Interview Result for Chief Budget Officer DNB (26-Apr-2016)
Interview Result for attache (ACCOUNTS) RBE, DHAKA (26-Apr-2016)
ITEC/TCS Training for 2016-2017 (25-April 2016)
Vacancy Announcement (22-Apr-2016)
Notification on SBD & letter of intent (18-Apr-2016)
Air Ticket Quotation (14-Apr-2016)
Shortlisted Applicants (13-Apr-2016)
Cancellation of Air ticket quotation (11-Apr-2015)
All the intended bidders
We regret to inform you that Air ticket quotation no. MF/PRO/MFS/16/3512 dated 5th April, 2016 has been canceled. You can contact procurement section, MoF for any other related issues.
Inconvenience caused is highly regretted.
1,742 total views, 2 views today